The project, launched in November 2022, has carried out an intense mapping of data sharing initiatives with the support of the project partners.
All these initiatives have been analysed, and a study on the Gaps and overlaps has been implemented. The whole study, will be available in June as a public deliverable of the project.
In the mean time, here you have an article summarising the activities implemented.
We have introduced short videos featuring project consortium members discussing their motivation, expected results, long-term impact, and what is next after the DATES project concludes.
The workshop titled “Towards a data space for tourism – Prioritisation of data needs and data purposes”, held online on February 8th, hosted by Intellera Consulting and the project lead partner AnySolution, gave an overview of DATES and its goals, identified data needs in the tourism sector, identified gaps in accessing data an outlined the main business problems. Overall, 207 participants from 27 countries 2 attended the event.
For more information, please click on the image below.
The bimonthly DATES newsletter will keep our readers updated on the progress and actions of the project.
The DATES project has recieved funding from the Digital Europe Programme under Grant Agreement No 101084007. This visual support reflects only the author’s view, the Comission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Copyright (C) 2023 DATES Project. All rights reserved.