On June 8th, the DATES partners’ meeting, took place in Palma, Spain.
The event, which was hosted by AnySolution in collaboration with Hosteltur, brought together representatives of all 13 partners – among those also Tourism 4.0 Lead, Dr Urška Starc Peceny – to analyse the DATES project framework and plan the project’s next steps in the coming months, particularly with regard to governance and technological requirements.
Topics of discussion included practical guidelines for creating data spaces in practice as well as in theory, the importance of the European Tourism Data Space for improving the competitiveness of the sector, advice on generating trusted environments for data sharing, and data’s importance as the central axis of decision making.
The main objective of DATES, as part of the broader European data strategy, is to explore approaches and options for the deployment of a secure and reliable tourism data space, which guarantees transparent control of data access, use and reuse. The project will therefore focus on the development of governance and business models while providing a shared roadmap that will ensure the coordination of the tourism ecosystem stakeholders and the connection between data ecosystems at the EU level and interconnected data spaces in other sectors. Overall, the DATES project aims to support the tourism sector’s digital transformation, promoting competitiveness, resilience and sustainability.
The DATES project has received funding from the Digital Europe Programme under Grant Agreement No 101084007. This visual support reflects only the author’s view; the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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